Transcript: Kathy Hansen Week 1 Discussion

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Hello, my peer learners and instructors. My name is Kathy Hansen, coming to you from Kettle Falls, Wa.

I’ve taught on-ground and online for about a dozen years. Instructional Design is the part of education that truly stokes my passion, but I’m not trained in the discipline, so here I am.


I confess I have not had a chance to get very deeply into the evolution-of-learning materials, but here are a couple of brief thoughts:
The Page titled “Rewind to Fast Forward” emphasizes learning-style theory, inspiring me to learn more, given that scholars such as Willingham, Hughes, and Dobolyi
noted in 2015 that “scientific support for these theories is lacking.”
Constructivist theory resonates with me as I truly believe learning is socially constructed. It is interesting that constructivism emerged about the same time the Internet did, seemingly anticipating all the social constructed learning that 21st-century social media would enable.

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The aspects of learning that I find effective as both a teacher and learner include contributing to a community of learners.

I seek interactive learning that engages me and inspires me to reflect.
I want to feel that I am at the center of my own learning, which should stimulate me to want to keep learning.
I want to learn from instructors who constantly seek to improve their teaching and are experts in their fields.
I want to apply the theoretical and learn by doing.

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Finally, storytelling and narrative are critical aspects of learning and teaching for me. In our course materials, Malcom Knowles is quoted as citing “experience” as a significant resource for learning.

Every experience is a story, and every story is a learning resource.

I look forward to sharing more of my story and learning yours.